Falter • 24th September 2024 Virtuelle Zäune erleichtern die Almtierhaltung. Österreich sperrt sich dagegen Wie die Erforschung und Weiterentwicklung einer sinnvollen Innovation unter anderem an bürokratischen Blockaden scheitert
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW) • 21st September 2024 More amore für Moore! Faszination eines unterschätzten Lebensraums Gespräch mit dem Wissenschaftspodcast Makro Mikro über die Lücken im Moorschutz in Österreich.
scilog - The FWF Science Magazine • 12th August 2024 How to measure the sustainability of Austrian agriculture? International researchers joined forces with stakeholders from many areas of agriculture in order to find out how the sustainability of agriculture, including that in Austria, can be measured and adapted to local needs.
RiffReporter • 30th May 2024 Haselnüsse für Nuss-Nougat-Creme vergiften den Vico-See. Rettet ihn ein neues Urteil? Dünger und Pestizide von Haselnussplantagen vergiften den Vico-See. Ein historisches Urteil zwingt die Behörden, die Zerstörung zu stoppen.
taz - die Tageszeitung • 29th May 2024 Grundeinkommen für Kleinbauern: Was ihnen blüht Dem größten Blumenfest Österreichs setzen Klimakrise und Wandel in der Landwirtschaft zu. Hilft ein Grundeinkommen für Landwirte?
DATUM • 4th April 2024 Die Optimierung der Pflanzen Die EU will die Regeln für die genetische Veränderung von Nutzpflanzen lockern. Ist das eine gute Idee? Eine Streitgespräch.
Original Magazin • 8th March 2024 Pigs and the City Welche Rolle spielt Stadtlandwirtschaft für die Ernährungssicherheit einer Großstadt? Eine Reportage vom größten Schweinebauernhof Wiens.
scilog - The FWF Science Magazine • 19th February 2024 How cultivating positive interaction affects pigs Animal welfare researcher Jean- Loup Rault seeks to explore how positive interactions with humans affect pigs. Initial results show that petting and other positive interactions could even lead to changes in how pigs process emotions.
RiffReporter • 4th December 2023 Hydropower expansion in Austria: “There are almost no fish left in the rivers” Around two thirds of the electricity produced in Austria comes from hydropower. Life in the rivers suffers as a result. How “green” is the Alpine state’s hydropower actually? An expert classifies.
s:hz • 2nd December 2023 More trees in German fields: Why agroforestry helps the climate and biodiversity Agroforests store carbon, provide habitat, improve soil and increase agricultural yields. What has to happen so that there are more of them in Germany?
Die Furche • 8th November 2023 How a farmer brings life back to his fields Biodiversity in agriculture is declining. Andreas Badinger is bucking this trend - and teaching others how they can do the same.
Topagrar Österreich • 4th September 2023 Can this worm still be stopped? As temperatures rise and it becomes drier, the wireworm is spreading and threatening the potato crop. A research project is exploring how this can be addressed - without any herbicides.
RiffReporter • 12th July 2023 EU renaturation: “Manfred Weber, how dare you?” Before the vote, disinformation and camp formation prevailed. What happens next with one of the most important EU environmental laws?
DER STANDARD • 3rd June 2023 Are field robots revolutionizing agriculture? Robots sow, fertilize, weed and collect a lot of data. Powered by solar panels, they could make agriculture more ecological. But it's not without risks.
DATUM • 4th May 2023 Bottomless The climate crisis and sealing are affecting the fields that supply Austria with food. The potato shows: If we continue as before, our food security is at risk.
Terra Mater Magazin • 17th March 2023 Greenland is going green Rising temperatures are melting Greenland's glaciers - and giving local farmers hope. The potato harvest is growing and they will soon be able to harvest wheat. But the rapid changes involve risks.
Terra Mater Magazin • 17th March 2023 Greenland is turning green Rising temperatures give farmers hope. The potato harvest is growing, and soon they will even be able to grow wheat. But rapid change carries risks - and the future of the glaciers is uncertain.
Der 20er • 6th March 2023 Robots for nature Can AI-controlled robots help reduce monocultures? An interview with researcher Sven Lake.
Der Konsument • 23rd February 2023 On a treasure hunt Why do people fish food out of containers? A search for answers behind Salzburg's supermarkets.
The Magazine of the Austrian Science Fund FWF • 13th February 2023 Biodiversity as a barrier European research groups are investigating how antibiotic resistance genes spread in rivers and soils. Initial results confirm their hypothesis: the healthier the natural environment, the less resistance one finds.
relevant. • 16th December 2022 make up ground We use up our land by the hectare. We need our soils now more than ever. What has to happen?
Die FURCHE • 30th November 2022 Soil protection: A tricky area Soil consumption endangers biodiversity and therefore food security. About the combat zones in Austrian spatial planning.
Der Konsument • 19th September 2022 The new alpine climate The Franz Fischer Hut shows that nutrition is a climate issue, even at over 2,000 meters. Visiting the Alpine Club's first purely vegetarian and vegan refuge.
Die FURCHE • 24th August 2022 “Carbon Farming”: The climate miracle weapon in agriculture? The EU has high hopes for carbon farming. But this is not a panacea, says agricultural expert Axel Don.